Things To Consider When You Feel Stuck In Life

Many of us come to this point, not knowing the next step in life. It brings us frustration and can make us depressed.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readJul 14, 2020


“I don’t know what to do.” “I don’t know where to go.” “I feel trapped.” These are common things many people experience, so please don’t fear you are the only one.

Maybe you are in a downhill decline in your life and you can’t seem to escape, or possibly you are in a dead end job that makes you money, but you just aren’t getting enough fun or excitement in your life.

You may become frustrated and become stressed with all these thoughts and worries of the future. Not knowing what path to take, if any. What could that next step be that you must take to bring change?

We all need change sometimes. It can be healthy for us to adapt to change and take steps needed to change things when we are not satisfied.

Many of us may reach this place of feeling stuck and possibly helpless. especially in this time of unfortunate events with mass unemployment and global scares linking to the Coronavirus.

Here are some good pointers and things to consider when you feel such things and don’t know the next step.

1. Well, first off it’s pretty clear that when we are feeling stuck, it’s time to make change.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Making changes is the doorway to your own brains creation. Its time to change certain patterns. Allow yourself to be open to new opportunities; take on new energy and expand your mind; be open to new outlooks.

When we are feeling stuck it’s because whatever it is must not being working out for you anymore. It could be anything: your job, relationships, hobbies, friends, place you are living.

Ask yourself, what do you want in life?

What feelings emerge when you feel stuck? Helpless?

Are you unsatisfied with yourself? Making too many comparisons of others with your own success? How much of yourself are you unnecessarily criticizing? Are there parts of yourself that you can come to find compassion and love in that you are not?

Yes many questions, but it never hurts to take time and give yourself a moment to analyze and reflect why you are feeling the way you are.

To put it straight, change does not always mean you need to make your self different because you are not good enough for something. It could be simply coming to the realization of certain characteristics that you have not been expressing or accepting in yourself.

Many people refer to this part of us as the unconscious, our shadow self.

Most the time we are our own worst critic. Give yourself a little love and compassion for once.

2. Halt Overthinking.

“It is what it is.” We cannot control everything, and we need to be able to let go of such feelings. It may be good to just try and relax, sit, meditate for just a moment. Its easy to become stuck in our own heads and start worrying and obsessing over unnecessary things.

Brainstorming and overthinking are two different things.

The problem with overthinking is we can become lost in past experiences, in thought.

We can become lost in future thoughts as well, imagining the great success we aim to achieve to the point of never starting.

Do your best to avoid becoming restless among such processes.

3. Believe in yourself and what you feel is good for you, not what someone else says.

Are you living your own life? Are others greatly influencing your decisions?

Try and have fun with what you experiment. Discover new things that excite you, or do things you’ve thought may be intriguing but you haven’t tried.

Try spending time with yourself. Alone time can be very beneficial, even refueling, for some of the most aggressive extroverts.

Set personal boundaries.

Meditate/become more self aware.

Questioning your beliefs is okay too. That’s a big part of adaptability and your willingness to change.

Overall, it’s always good to just step back for a moment and try to see the bigger picture to all of your new found energy and excitement. Where may this be taking you?

4. You don’t have to have it all figured out

Photo by Brittani Burns on unsplash

You don’t always need to know where you are headed, but it is good to be able to imagine a place.

What will make you feel like you’re actually moving?

You may be feeling numb or empty inside, but that should not stop you from venturing into uncharted territory to make change in your life.

Even if it means changing your whole wardrobe.

Meeting new people.

Any step is a new start.

5. If you don’t make any moves, then don’t expect the world to change for you.

You cannot expect the world to bring you what you want.

You cannot wait on things to change for you.

You are the only one who can make the actions necessary to further yourself for the better.

The time to start is now!

6. New beginnings can feel like the end, embrace it.

Some endings you may not have wanted to see. Yet those same endings bring new beginnings.

Do not dwell in what you have lost, but try to see the new opportunities lining up.

It is in times of great loss that it is hardest to see any opportunities. Feel the loss completely and know that it is not the end of your journey. That very moment itself is blooming with opportunities to be grasped with ease.

Take the chance and grapple the change; be aware of yourself in the process.

7. Remove the negativity in your life.

It’s easy to latch on some negativity when we feel stuck in life. Become aware of these processes.

Notice the things that trigger your negative thought processes and clash through them.

Easier said than done.

Remove negative/toxic people from your life.

When negative thoughts hinder you and form clouds inside of your mind, do not be unforgiving of yourself for having produced them. Instead, allow these thoughts to come and do not let them take control of you; ride out the thunderstorm within your own mental arena and you can master yourself, as well as the path you are on.

Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

Above all, Do you.

8. If it is meant to be, it will be, and you can make it happen

As said, it is okay to question your beliefs

Stay open minded.

If you keep persisting in a way that keeps failing, try new approaches, or maybe it was not meant for you.

If you can come to accept that not everything is to go as planned, than I believe you can manage through the next wave of events.

9. Hard times are here, and still, the best is yet to come

Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

It is okay to look back, but do so only to come to a realization that you must keep moving forward.

You can be stuck in the past, as well as the future.

You may be standing at the stones leading to your mountain top. Maybe you are frustrated you are not already there, so you never begin.

You could reach the top, but instead you are stuck dreaming it.

You could’ve had other climbs that you stopped or failed and now are halted by past failures, and even by past success.

Focus on your present moment of successes and your current desire to conquer and acquire new aspects of yourself.

It is all in the climb. Rid yourself of the ill wills and all other things that hinder you.

It can happen overnight or a year from now.

Good things are to come if you keep reaching, and they will happen!

