This Ancient Philosophy Changed My Life

Today just might be the day that changes your life forever

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJul 18, 2024


“The unexamined life is not worth living,” Socrates once quipped.

But let’s be real — who has time for all that navel-gazing when there are bills to pay and Netflix queues to conquer?

It all started when I discovered Stoicism — not to be mistaken with “stoicism,” which is what I call my face when I’m pretending to listen to my neighbor’s endless stories on the adventures of her cat’s digestive issues.

No, Stoicism with a capital “S” is an ancient Greek philosophy that’s like a self-help book on steroids, minus the cheesy affirmations and suspicious before-and-after photos.

Not gonna lie, but at first, I thought Stoicism was about as exciting as watching paint dry while reciting the periodic table backward.

But then I had what I like to call my “Eureka moment in sweatpants” (because all great epiphanies happen when you’re elbow deep in a bag of Cheetos, right?).

Picture this: It’s 2 AM, I’m doom-scrolling through social media, so deeply that I’m starting to feel like a hamster on that wheel made of existential dread.



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy