This is How to Make New Friends as an Adult

These five simple yet powerful tips can help you get started in forming new friendships

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


This is how to make new friends as an adult
Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

“I’m not exactly a guy who makes new friends easily.” — Tom Petty, an American musician

This is a sentiment that many adults have today.

Many adults don’t make many new friends.

First, many adults don’t have the desire to make new friends. Second, there’s some awkwardness in figuring out how to do it. Third, many adults don’t have time to make new friends because they are busy with work, family, and current friends.

It’s not simple to make new friends as an adult.

Research has found that most friendships start to dwindle after the age of 25 because people change jobs, get married, move to different cities, and have children.

The key to making new friends as an adult is getting started and giving some effort. In other words, you must give new people a chance.

The question is not about where to find new friends; it’s about what you can do to develop new connections.

“Don’t be afraid of new beginnings. Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness.” — Billy Chapat, a Zimbabwean…



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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