This Is What Coaching Really Looks Like

For coaches and those who want to hire coaches

David O.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Paladini Mauro on Unsplash

As I strolled down the path I walk every day, one thought kept flowing through my mind. I was concerned about one of my coaching clients. We had tried a strategy for his business and we didn’t get the desired result. I was concerned and my mind was going through all the information I have about his business to see if there was something I’m missing. There was nothing. So I prayed about it and left it there.

I came back that evening and was going to check something else on the online platform he was working on. And to my delight, his post (and profile) was blowing up! I rushed to send him a chat message. He didn’t respond until after a few hours around 10 pm. By morning, he had a new potential client reach out to him. It feels good to finally see some results. Honestly, it felt like I won the lottery even though the result isn’t even mine. It was my client’s.

If you don’t have this kind of interaction with your coach or this level of closure, do you really have a coach?

But First, Mentorship

Most people mistake coaching for mentorship. They think because they have a mentor, that is equivalent to a coaching relationship. Nothing could be farther from the truth.



David O.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Business Strategist. Brand Advisor. Finance Author. I mostly write finance, business strategy & marketing content. Sometimes, artistic reviews