This Simple French Word Will Make You Value Your Talent More

It cuts through all the noise

J.R. Flaherty
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Aviv Cohen on Unsplash

“So what’s really going on with you?” Paul asked, as we sat under heaters in a cafe across from the Place de la Republique.

I hadn’t heard from him in eight years. Why would he have shown up now, just when I had sequestered myself away in an apartment in Paris for a while?

I looked at him, at the intense way he leaned across the zinc table.

“You want the whole story right now, don’t you?”

“Absolutely”, he said.

“Well, to be honest, I need to take some time for myself. I’ve been working hard. Traveling a lot for work. After one work trip, I just decided to stop here. I’m thinking about a change of direction.”

“I remember you talking about moving here years ago.”
“Well, the problem a few years ago is income. The company didn’t like you to work from home. Now I can work from here. If that’s what I want to do.”

He nodded and slurped out the liquor from a clam shell, “So is that what you are going to do next?”

“I don’t know yet. I’d like to do something different.”
He gave me a mock stern look and then did a comical slurp of spaghetti.

