Three Not-So-Obvious Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until Jan. 1st to Begin Your New Year’s Resolution

Increase your chances of success by giving yourself a 60-day buffer.

Ken Makimsy Middleton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readNov 17, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

“Most people will passively do exactly what they did last year. Whatever you do, don’t let that person be you.” — Richie Norton

It’s that time of the year again.

There often seems to be a love/hate relationship with a lot of people and this time of the year.

For some, it’s exciting to think about beginning the new year to build the best version of themselves. They think about all the negative habits they are going to give up and all of the new habits they are going to start.

For others, it is a somber reminder of all of the promises they made to themselves (and others) last year and how they didn’t follow through with many, if any, of them.

Remember how long Malcolm from sales kept mentioning your declaration to lose 30 lbs in 30 days to start the year in 2022? Which, in hindsight, was a little crazy, you have to admit.

For those looking to find a way to increase the chances of actually following through with all their forthcoming promises and not being pestered by mean-spirited co-workers for not living up…



Ken Makimsy Middleton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Alcohol-conscious writer helping people reach their FULL potential in life and their careers. Editor of AINYF | Author of Bamboozled (