Tim Denning’s Advice That Can Help You Recover Quickly When Your Habits Break Down

Consistency is better than perfection — Michael Hyatt

Norah Kisera
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readDec 6, 2022


Photo on Pixabay

I wish I knew about this secret 2 years ago.

Since I began writing on Medium, I have never been consistent.

Thanks to Tim Dennings's advice I have been able to stick to my writing. and I plan to use it every day.

Never miss twice

Your habit could be to walk for 30 minutes every day, meditate for 10 minutes daily, or save a specific amount everyday day.

Missing once is an accident but missing twice is the beginning of a bad habit.

Never miss twice is the unwritten principle that should be applied to whatever habits you have begun.

The truth is their times when an emergency can happen and you may not be able to stick to your habit.

Missing one day of meditation can happen but when you implement the never miss twice cardinal principle, you will quickly bounce back into the habit.

The moment you miss twice in a row, you will find yourself going a week, a month, or a year without practicing the habit.

Write the don't miss twice principle and

