Time Is Just a Strand of Moments. And Greeks Have 2 Words For Time

How many more words are there in our fast world?

Desiree Driesenaar
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readDec 15, 2023


Picture: Bee Wild in Night Cafe

Time is just a strand of moments
Switching and swirling
Full of focus and flow

Where shall I go?
What shall I do?
Who will I love?
And when? when? when?
Aaarrggggg, choices…

Time = space
Space = time
Greeks have
2 words

Chronos & kairos
And the & is an IN
I like kairos more

Who am I today?
Who will I be tomorrow?
What have I missed?
I’ll never know…

Math & Magic

I just love the modern dynamic math and magic (Superformula 2003). Beyond Newton. Beyond whatever we know.

Chronos (measured time) and kairos (experienced time).

Is time linear? It’s spiraling around us, just like we are spiraling…



Desiree Driesenaar
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Abundance! 💥 Rewilding Souls, Soils & Seas - - always supportive of other world writers...