Times Like These Call for My Favorite Archetype, the Sacred Fool

My heart, my soul, my spirit, my belly laugh

Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Things are tough right now.

Or at least, that’s how it feels. Sleep is a challenge. I’m anxious about an upcoming trip — mostly the flying part, having to be asked all day in transit. And thank God for those masks!

Keeping up with my writing and church responsibilities while preparing to travel feels overwhelming at times. Amidst fears about the Delta variant, I open my heart to hard-hit places like Afghanistan and Haiti.

Fortunately, I can step back, take a breath, pray, and do some inner listening to shift my way of holding all this.

Usually, that works.

And when it doesn’t, like right now, I call on the Sacred Fool — my go-to Guardian Angel — the grounding Archetype of my life. I love her, I want to be her, and I am her.

Or to badly riff off of Vladimir Nabakov’s Lolita opening:

O Sacred Fool, light of my life, fire of my heart, my joy, my soul, my delight, my spirit, my plot to power. Sa-cred Fool: the tip of my tongue using your energy to find the spark of humor, the trigger to laughter, the way to get a point across such that they won’t know what hit them till they



Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower