To Be at Peace With Yourself, Work With This One Thing in All You Do

If it doesn’t bring you peace, don’t do it.

Abayomi Omoogun
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readMay 20, 2020


“Peace is its own reward.” — Mahatma Gandhi

The problem is you are too determined and it’s hindering you from seeing the good right in front of you.

In a world where hard work, focus and determination are the keys to unlock success. Are we present with ourself or always worrying about the future.

I once saw a lady walking far ahead of me while leaving for work the other day. I can get to the gate before her I said to myself, even though she was far ahead of me. The lady walked at her own pace towards the gate while taking her time to observe nature.

I, on the other hand, was about one thing. How to get to the gate before her. I walked as fast as I could without trying to run and sweat just to make sure I got to the gate before her. Eventually, I did get to the gate before her but at the expense of leg pain. I couldn’t help but wonder all that happened while I was at work.

A determined person has an end goal in mind and only these end goal will guide his actions.

Getting to the gate before that lady was my end goal and that was why I walked at a crazy pace not taking note of the slightest thing happening around me. Because in my mind, I was determined to get to the gate before her.

When your end goal dictates your actions, you will do anything to get there irrespective of what you have to do or how you do it.

Goals itself is a good thing but it is the person you become in pursuit of achieving those goals that show whether you’re at peace with yourself.

Your determination isn’t the problem. The problem is you are doing too much hard work to get to where you want to be while compromising your soul.


The goal is to struggle for what you want while being at peace with yourself.

Can you be a determined person and still be at peace with yourself?

Allan watts let us in on something when he said: “A man does not really begin to be alive until he has lost himself until he has released the anxious grasp which he normally holds upon his life, his property, his reputation and position.”

There’s always an outcome you are attached to being a determined person and until you learn to let go of that attachment, you will never be at peace with yourself.

Be a determined person but be detached from the results because that’s how you can be at peace with yourself. And sometimes, too much determination can set us up for our downfall if we are not being careful.

The two main characters in the film, The Prestige. Alfred Borden and Robert Angier were both determined to become the greatest magicians. They were obsessed to outperform each other. Their determination led them to make extreme sacrifices in their lives.

Angier wanted to sabotage Borden while he was performing by shooting a real bullet during Borden’s trick to catch a flying bullet. This lead to Borden cutting 2 of his fingers off, due to how serious the injury was. In order to get revenge on Angier, Borden decided to ruin Angier’s trick of a disappearing bird by tweaking the cage that led to Angier killing the bird on stage and the cancellation of the show. Both main characters, Robert Angier’s and Alfred Borden’s determination to be the best magicians led them to their own downfalls.

You want to be successful.

You want to have a six-figure business.

You want to make good art.

All of these are good. And is it possible to achieve them? Yes.

But not at the expense of your peace. Remember, the goal is to struggle for what you want while being at peace with yourself.

Struggle to make your art but be at peace with yourself.

Struggle to be successful but be at peace with yourself.

Struggle to build your business but be at peace with yourself.

Determination comes with an attachment. And the highest form of wisdom is detachment says Allan watts.

Detachment means to have neither regrets for the past nor fears for the future. But to let life takes its course without attempting to interfere with its movement and change, neither trying to prolong the stay of things pleasant nor to hasten the departure of things unpleasant.

Have you ever wonder why successful people who are rich sometimes commit suicide. And celebrities who you think should be happy being miserable? Most forgot to live life when they had the chance. They struggled to get to the top but on the way, they lost themselves.

If it doesn’t bring you peace don’t do it.

Success doesn’t make you happy. It is the person you become in pursuit of success that makes you happy or miserable.

Does this mean you shouldn’t be determined? Hell no. It means to be determined, you need to remove any form of attachment you hold on to so that it doesn’t compromise your soul.

Expect everything attach to nothing writes Carrie Campbell.

Human life becomes a fantastic vicious cycle when man tries to order and control the world and himself beyond certain limits. And this is what determination brings.

There’s a limit. Set it to everything and live.

