Transform Your Life by Cultivating the Habit of Reading

The superpower of reading

Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash

With technology at our fingertips, we’ve never been more drawn to spend our time in a digital world.

Our brains are constantly buzzing with stimulation.

We’re glued to our television sets and video game controllers like a mouse glued to a mouse trap. It’s no wonder our focus, our attention, and our creativity have gone downhill.

The alluring voice of technology is too hard to resist. It pulls us in like a magnet sapping our time and energy. As a result, we lose ourselves in the digital world.

Our weekends often become saturated in binge-watching TV series or video games. We’re drawn to technology and for many, it’s become a preferred way of to spend free time.

But you can turn it around with one simple yet profound change — and that is developing a reading habit.

Reading isn’t just to boost your intellectual power and stay abreast of the news around you. Reading has a myriad mental health benefits too. Incorporating reading regularly will do wonders for your brain — from better mental health to cognitive brain function.

Mental Stimulation and Cognitive Benefits



Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: