Trust the Timing of Your Life

What belongs to you will find its way to you.

Yagya Neha
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readAug 4, 2021


Picture by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

“The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.”

— Joshua Harris

Simply believing that God plans everything and it will happen when the time is right will take you a long way. Listen to me, I have been the most impatient human being, and today I am writing this article because I have found a means of gaining peace. Here me out…

I can clearly see where I was a few months ago when I could hardly stay put in one place — I was always desperate for a change, for some action and a little bit of adventure at every turn. I could not let one moment pass me by where I did not feel like I was doing what I wanted to or living the life I wanted. If such a moment passed me by, I’d go insane and do everything in my power to change it. But all I was doing was damaging my peace of mind. I did not realise this until I sat down in an uncontrollable situation, weeping myself to sleep. I call this phase of my life crazy and impatient moments.

It wasn’t until the pandemic hit us that I figured out that I was never indeed in control of my life. Till I understood this, I was living a depressed, worn out and utterly horrific life. I would wake up every morning and hate the fact that I was awake in a life I loathed. And this needed some changing!

I looked straight in the mirror and shouted at myself that delayed does not mean denied. I stared at myself for a few more minutes till the words engraved themselves inside my heart.

And once that happened, I started to relax and look at life from a new perspective. I gulped down a chill pill and sat down on my bed with my favourite book, and drank down some refreshing green tea.

Here are some things that might help you believe in the divine timing of God and let the stress and worry go.


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey

Trust me when I say this, it is possible to be happy regardless of where you are at this point in your life. Don’t let the mockery of what you see around you poison your head.

One way of being happy is to practice gratitude. If you are reading this right now on your phone or mobile device, you are doing much better than most of humankind. There are people stuck at home with no means of making money, with stubborn diseases, with abusive families and with no roof on their heads or a piece of cloth on their feet.

Start small and say thanks for the water that runs down your sink as you wash your face. Go to your kitchen and relish a cup of tea while whispering a warm thank you. Give your parents a tight hug and thank them for everything little and humongous thing they have done for you. And within days, you will see that you are living an attitude of gratitude!

And slowly but surely, your life will change for the better.

Be patient

“One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. “

Chinese Proverb

While this advice might attract a few eye rolls here and there, nothing is more pleasing and promising than this trait.

Maybe you have been called impatient in the past, or perhaps, and fortunately, you are one of the most patient people out there. But the truth is you can constantly improve and change, and that is the beauty of life. There’s always room for improvement!

Don’t only do this because patience has promised some fantastic health benefits, do it because you want to lead a beautiful and peaceful life filled with love, compassion and smiles.

When you are patient, you learn to be more mindful of your surroundings and, ultimately, your life. You start to see your life from a new scale, and soon enough, you will run around staring at the bigger picture with a smile plastered to your life.

Stop overthinking

I have caught myself a million times already overthinking my brains off, and I am too young to be doing that. But I still do it. Why? Because I am crazy, impatient and have too much free time in my hand. Unfortunately, that’s not all — I also have this weird sense of feeling that I need to stay up to the expectations of the stupid society! Oh, joy!

“Rule number one is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it’s all small stuff.” –Robert Eliot

When you overthink, your thoughts are running in circles with new and negative emotions joining them now and then, which is devasting. And within a few minutes, you find yourself blaming and hating yourself for the things that you didn’t do or did do.

That is not even the worst part — your mind takes you a hell ride without helmets where it screams at you about the ways your life could go wrong.

Oh, my God! Right?

Wait, there’s a solution for every problem — two things that help me are I am not past, and I can change the story I tell myself.

NO! Things don’t have to go wrong. It might be the best thing that has ever happened to me. And yes, I have made many mistakes in my past, but I am learning and growing — that is all that matters, ever!


Why do we live in a state of fear? Why can’t we just put our hands up and in the air and submit to the roller coaster ride called life?

I’ll be honest with you; submitting to the circumstances and the future is not an easy thing. But it isn’t impossible. I found the strength to submit when I first started studying religions, especially Islam.

“Put your trust in the Ever-Living, Who never dies, and glorify His praises. Sufficient is He as All-Aware of the sins of His servants.” — Qur’an (25:58)

When you understand that the ultimate power and control stays in the hands of God, you will let go of the burden that is weighing you down. Remember that God is All-Knowing and All-Wise. He would never do you any harm because He is the source of all goodness. When I got my head around this point, I understood that my trials were a gift and blessing from God.

And this attitude of mine ultimately helped me stay patient, grateful and once and for all, I quit overthinking (well, I am doing my best).

Life is too short to spend a moment out of curiosity and happiness. Learning to accept all situations opens up doors to many new and exciting things. Someone wise once said that God closes one door to open thousands. So trust the process and believe in the divine timing.

All praises are due to God.



Yagya Neha
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Two friends, combined with fury and fantasy, wish to ink their minds, hearts and souls. 🖤