Trust Your Journey of Self Fulfillment

Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJan 8, 2020


by Guillermo Vidal | Dec 16, 2019 | Spiritual Development

I have never been comfortable letting go of control. I want what I want when I want it, don’t want to leave it up to chance. Trusting a Higher Power is very intimidating and it takes great effort for me to let go and wait for the openings the Universe gives me. What if it is something I don’t want?

The very definition of trust is hard for me to swallow. It is difficult for me sometimes to believe in the reliability, truth, wisdom and strength of the Universe and that it is on the lookout for my best interests.

The clear evidence manifested over the years

Having turned my personal power for more than six decades over to money, status and the approval of others, the jury is in; this method I relied on to bring me joy and fulfillment never worked. The joy was always temporary, and self fulfillment was never reached. My mistaken ways only brought me depression and disappointment.

It has only been in the last handful of years that I started trusting the Universe to open the doors for everything I need in life. Don’t get me wrong, the Universe is not some kind of genie that comes out of a bottle and grants me any wish I want. What the Universe gives me are invaluable lessons to help me on the way…



Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author/Mentor/Septuagenerian. Showing you how to age better to create your best life. Follow me on YouTube@agingfearlessly-gvidal2917 and