Two Powerful Questions to Fuel Self-Awareness

iFAQs — InFrequently Asked Questions of the Head and Heart

Bob Wuest
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A question mark on a tiny island
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Would you believe me if I said that reflecting on just two questions can positively affect the quality of your life?

Note that I said reflecting on two questions, rather than just thinking about them.

Before I share the questions let’s dwell for a moment on that term reflecting on.

Thinking about a question yields a quick answer that allows you to move on with your busy life as if you had never even considered it in the first place. Five minutes or a day later you will have forgotten about both the question and whatever answer arose in response.

Reflecting on a question, however, requires that you internalize it. As you do so you let it develop a burning curiosity within you for deeper answers — with the intention of becoming more self-aware. If you’ve ever reflected on questions like Who am I? or What is my purpose? you’ll know exactly what I mean. The question almost takes on a life of its own within you. It rolls around in your head or heart for days (or years) on end. Insights about the answers might pop up when you’re not even thinking about the question because you have developed a passion for obtaining answers. You have commissioned your inner wizard to respond.



Bob Wuest
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Permanent American expat. Personal growth junkie. Spiritual activist. Enthusiastic hiker. Cheerleader for the best in you, and me. More at