Types of Unhealthy Father-Daughter Relationships

Father and daughters, pay attention to this

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

The father-daughter relationship is a very delicate one. Because it shapes the daughter’s relationships with others as adults. Daddy issues is so common today because of the unhealthy relationships girls have with their Dads, and in this thread, we’ll see the types

The lost father

These ones are physically present but emotionally absent. He never praises her or notices the changes she’s experiencing. This causes identity crisis and esteem issues. They grow up looking for the emotional connection from relationships.

The Abusive father

These ones have unpredictable moods and exhibit destructive behavior. He struggles to control his anger and takes his stress out on his daughter, resulting in physical, verbal or sexual abuse. He’s selfish and doesn’t care about his daughter’s needs.

Abusive fathers create fearful and timid children who love being in the shadows. They get into romantic relationships and expect harsh treatments from their partners. Their romantic relationships are unfulfilling because they struggle with intimacy and vulnerability.

The pampering father

