Understand These Before Entering Into Any Relationship

Making your relationships last long term

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by SHIRAZ HENRY on Unsplash

You need some pessimism.

Being too happy is dangerous — especially in relationships. You lose your sense of judgment. You idolize them. And when they don’t live up to this version, you get hurt. Be optimistic, but always leave little room for doubt.

You’ll always be judged.

People judge you based on your looks. Creativity. And what you own. Quite shallow, but these are the markers for respect in society.

Love is not enough for a long-term committed relationship to work.

Hollywood preaches love and its grand gestures We then moved from arranged marriages to picking partners based on love and money But how come divorces are more today? You need Trust. Shared Values. and Vision

Before entering into a relationship:

  • Learn to communicate your values, needs, standards, and expectations.
  • Have confidence in how you handle yourself and how you allow others to treat you.
  • Have a life, so you’re not looking for this person to create a life for you.

Doing “Married People…

