Unlocking the Secret to Eternal Youth: How Looking After Your Mitochondria Can Help You Live Longer

4 Simple Steps To Incorporate Into Your Everyday Life to Become a New, Improved You

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by alpay tonga on Unsplash

Mitochondria are tiny factories in each of our cells that convert food and oxygen into energy. When they stop communicating with a cell’s nuclei, ageing accelerates.

I’m a big believer in taking time out to understand how your body works.

I’ve spent years trying to figure out how to maintain a healthy mind and body by reading, learning and talking to the experts.

When you learn the science behind this extraordinary machine working on auto-pilot, it makes it easier to do the things required to keep it functioning at its optimum.

One such remarkable organelle is the mitochondrion, also known as a cell’s ‘powerhouse’ — What I discovered in my research is that every bit of advice, in one shape or form, seems to point to looking after these for a longer healthier life.

What Are Mitochondria?

Mitochondria are akin to bees — they may be tiny but have a mammoth impact on the human species. Bees are constantly jumping from one plant to another, pollinating them as they go. This is…



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Sending you sound bites about Personal Finance, Health and Becoming A Better Human | 15+Years in Finance | Physiology Undergrad | Self-Improvement Junkie 🇦🇺