Until You Can Live Without a Job, You Have No Life

What it means to have a life

Emmanuel A. Anderson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Carl Nenzen Loven on Unsplash

There’s a saying that pictures speak volume than words.

So, looking at the picture you see above, what can you tell?

Do you find the people in it happy and at peace, or do you find them tired, sleepy, and exhausted?

That’s the kind of matrix we live in the world now. We live and go about our lives, not how we want it but how the world wants it. We wake up and go to a job to make money to survive when we know it’s not what we want within our souls.

In ourselves is enough potential and desires to create and do something bigger than how we’re living, yet we feel powerless to change it. So, how do we change this disaster that has befallen us and live as we want?

The answers are as follows. Let’s dissect it.

You have a life when you live this way

If going to a place you don’t like when you wake up in the morning means you don’t have a life because if they tell you to stop coming, you can’t survive, what does it means to have a life? Simple. That’s waking up to go to a place you love where nobody can tell you to stop coming.



Emmanuel A. Anderson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Thinker || Writing to give meaning to life || Author of the upcoming book, "Heal yourself, heal the world."