Wake Your Mind Up With a Mantra

I’m awesome and so are you.

Ashley Alt
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJun 16, 2021


Photo by Team Fredi on Unsplash

Wake Your Mind Up is a weekly series providing you with practical, no-fuss ways to get your mind right in the mornings, so you can be a better you throughout the day. Each week we will give you a feel-good tip to carry out.

If you’re like me, you need constant reminders to feel good about yourself. It’s why I’m tattooing “Be You” on my wrist. It’s why I journal 3 things I’m excited about every morning, and 3 things I’m grateful for every night. It’s why I have colorful mood boards plastered on my office walls.

I have to see my thoughts and goals, otherwise I’ll get distracted by the demons of social media, and completely forget about what I’m working toward. I have to argue many of us struggle with the pesky pull of distraction, which is why I encourage you to wake your mind up with a mantra to keep yourself on track for the day.

We Are Who We Say We Are

Our minds are our greatest asset. Our thoughts become our reality, which then becomes our behavior, which then turns into our lifestyle. And while positive thinking is indeed a discipline, it’s one well worth the effort.

Here are 9 self-mantra examples to get your mind right in the morning

Photo by CARL HUNLEY on Unsplash

Today is going to be awesome

I will be fully present today

My work does not define me

I will feel proud of myself today

I won’t take myself too seriously today

Progress, not perfection

I deserve an amazing life

I am a successful writer on the days where rejection feels heavy, reminding myself of this makes me realize one bad day (or bad week or month) does not define my writing career.

I am fun mental health work doesn’t have to be so serious and heavy. I think it’s important to remember that having fun is essential to our mental health and overall wellbeing.

Concluding Tip

Self-mantras are not a one-and-done morning thing. They must be repeated several times a day — particularly when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or lonely — in order to feel the full effect. The more you say them, the more you will believe them.

No matter what area of your life that needs improving — whether it’s work, parenting, confidence, creativity, or appearance — may you self-mantra your way confident so you can be the best you you can be.

Thank you for reading.

Ashley is a writer based in Connecticut specializing in making mental health, wellness, and fashion fun. She believes our weirdness is what makes us great, and is here to remind you that you have one life, and one life only, to live.

Take A Sip is her weekly addictive newsletter on improving mindset health, which you can sign up for here.

Follow her on Instagram here.



Ashley Alt
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Life is better when we laugh. I write about the importance of mental health & believe our weirdness is what makes us great. https://ashleyalt.substack.com/