Want a Rich Life? Create Memorable Experiences


People remember how you made them feel.

Quite a long time ago, a colleague of mine told me he made it a priority to create memorable experiences for people.

No one had ever phrased it quite like that before to me.

We frequently hear that material things in life aren’t what give us happiness and fulfillment. I intellectually knew that investing in life over “things” was the way to go, but I wasn’t really living that way back then.

It dawned on me I had been missing half the equation.

Creating memorable experiences only for myself wasn’t the answer either. That left me feeling empty or guilty.

Like anything else in life, the best way to experience something myself was to start giving it away to others.

So I started focusing more on making experiences great for the people I care about. And why stop there? Why not make experiences great for anyone I cross paths with?

How can I create memorable experiences for others?

How can I go the extra mile? How can I make people feel good because of our interaction?

I can be more engaged:



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at www.happyeverafter.info