We’ve Stopped Doing This and It’s Costing Us

Hint: In any moment of pause, such as while eating a meal or waiting for someone, what do you find yourself reaching for…?

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Zulmaury Saavedra from Unsplash.com

When you were a kid (assuming that right now while reading this, you’re over the age of, say, thirty), what did you spend a lot of your time doing?

Probably things like playing outside a lot, riding bikes, making up all sorts of fun games with neighborhood kids or friends, drawing, writing in your journal, playing sports, reading books, etc.

Maybe you watched some T.V. in the evenings or played video games here and there, but most likely, activities off of a screen made up the bulk of your time and days, yes?

Now also consider, even just a decade ago, what did you do in the moments of pause throughout your day? Such as, when eating your dinner? Or when waiting at the mall for your friend to come out of the bathroom? Or when sitting in class and waiting for the teacher to start? Or when hanging out in the park?

You probably either just hung out with you, yourself, and you, just let your mind wander while waiting and with your own company, or you interacted and engaged with the world around you, such as enjoyed looking around the park and watching the activity, or…

