What Happens When a Moment Comes?

You Either Grab it or Let it Pass

Katrina Paulson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


There are moments in life that speak to us. They stop us mid-step, interrupt our conversation, illuminate a scene. These moments are opportunities to pause what we’re doing and be, to brand an image in our minds for eternity, to speak into existence what’s been trapped in our hearts.

When they come, you have a decision to make and no time to deliberate. You either grab the moment — or let it pass.

The August sun basked our faux river stones in warmth. I’d taken it upon myself to lay the stones in orderly lines across the backyard grass according to size. Dad was mixing some sort of plaster in the rusted wheelbarrow. The plan was to put the plaster on the flat back of the stones, then stick the stones onto the side of the house — already stripped of the grey plastic siding.

My eyes scanned over the rows and I waited for one to call out to me. When I felt its pull, I’d pick it up and hand it to Dad. I held a white oval one from the medium-small line in my hands while Dad took his place on the ladder to mount my last pick.

A moment came.

“Look”, it said, “don’t turn around, appreciate this moment, take it in”.



Katrina Paulson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I wonder about humanity, questions with no answers, and new discoveries. Then I write about them here and on substack! https://curiousadventure.substack.com