What is The Colour of Hope?

Knowing this will increase your level of happiness.

Froyle Davies
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Author

Have you ever thought about what colours make you feel happy? What environment gives you a feeling of encouragement or hope?

I have been painting and exhibiting for 25 years. During this time I have run many art workshops for developing creativity. My favourite and most successful where the workshops based on the colours of hope and what I found out was most intriguing.

I spent years asking this simple question, what is the colour of hope? I ran online surveys, as well as studio workshops using art materials. I wanted to know what colour most people associated with feelings of hopefulness and if this feeling could be created as a painting. The goal being, that if you knew what colours gave you the feeling of hope, then you could surround yourself with these colours and create an environment that increases your well being and happiness.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

What is Hope?

Hope is more than an optimistic state of mind or a feel-good emotion. The American psychologist Charles Richard Snyder, along with his associates, developed what they call hope theory…



Froyle Davies
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand. www.froyleart.com