What is Wu-Wei: The Action that Requires No Action

The Taoist way to change your thinking and end your struggle

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Photo by Vance Osterhout on Unsplash

In traditional Chinese philosophy, there is a concept known as “wu-wei” or non-interference. Wu-wei, also translated as “the action that does not interfere” or “the action that has no action,” is a Taoist approach to the handling of external affairs. It is the exact equivalent of laissez-faire, a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. It is a non-action that is active rather than passive, like a bird gliding on the wind. It cannot be achieved through laziness or resignation to circumstance. Rather, it requires a focused and attentive mind and clear consciousness. Through this attentive mind comes tolerance and humility, and an ability to manifest what is needed at any particular moment.

Remember, wu-wei does not imply that there is value in doing nothing. To live in the world is to act. Wu-wei means to act without attachment and without emotional investment. It implies going with the flow of natural law without attempting to control or take charge of that flow.

This action through non-action is actually the path to emotional and material freedom. This concept is described in entries #38 and #81 in the Tao te Ching.



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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