What is Your Personal Brand?

And do you really need one?

Dr. Faisal Jamshaid
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


What is Your Personal Brand? — by Dr. Faisal Jamshaid

If someone you know had to describe you, what would they say?

If they had to tell me about your interests, would they get it right?

What about your ambitions? Would they be accurate?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction in which my writing and videos are headed; I’m compelled to define a direction so that my audience and I know where we’re headed.

The problem is, despite all the benefits of a defined ‘personal brand’, I’m not entirely sure that I want one.

And I was wondering if you could help me.

🥳 The Positives of a Personal Brand

Photo by Cata on Unsplash

Why it’s better for YOU

Having a personal brand requires you to think about what you’re good at, who you want to associate with and what your attention gravitates towards.

But it’s difficult to reach your end goal if your direction is constantly changing.

Even if it might change in the future, deep introspection is a great practice for getting to know…



Dr. Faisal Jamshaid
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Documenting my personal philosophy on what really matters in life. Youtube/Newsletter: www.faisaljamshaid.com