What Lies Behind Your Fear of Change?

What will staying where you are cost you?

Susan J Hilger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams

You’ve heard these thoughts a thousand times: Change is uncomfortable for some of us, not changing is really uncomfortable for some of us.

“Change in all things is sweet.” -Aristotle

Yesterday during our coaching session, a client expressed a desire to talk about recent frustration in her current career. This idea has come up a few times without any clarity or focus on her part. She wanted to consider it but wasn’t ready to make the leap. This time there was something in her voice that told me she may be ready to seriously consider a real change.

Without judgement, I listened and wanted to know more about what was driving her frustration, was it the people she worked with or for, was it the actual profession she’s in, what was creating the challenge for her?

What was actually most interesting is her reason for hesitating to share her feelings about this. What was coming up for her is this, paraphrased: If I put this out into the universe, then there’s pressure of having to know what I want to do. Next there is the pressure to make the change.

During our session I asked her questions to help her re-examine those thoughts, are they true? Who, other than herself, was going to expect…



Susan J Hilger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I love my pups, my partner and the sea. I spend my days working with people who know how to make money, & have all the toys, yet they want so much more!