What My Daily Yoga Practice Has Taught Me About the Nature of Joy

After 2-years of consistent daily yoga, I finally understand how to remain joyful for long periods of time

Assumpta Nalubowa
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readSep 15, 2023


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Joy — true joy — is the most elusive inner state of being. We can’t seem to maintain it, to infinitely hold it in our grasp. We can’t stay joyful for long enough no matter how hard we try.

When was the last time you were joyful for a full day? When was the last time you were happy just to be alive?

I took my first hatha yoga class in August 2020, and my life has never been the same since. Since September 2021, I’ve been practicing yoga daily and I’ve become more joyful since.

Here’s what I’ve learned about how to stay joyful for long periods of time.

The Unexpected Hidden Nature Of Joy

Here’s the thing about joy:

Your joy, your ability to appreciate and celebrate each moment as it comes — without wrestling with your reality — is directly proportional to the amount of energy you have.

Can you look at yourself carefully? — How you are on days when you don’t get enough sleep or when you’re hungry.



Assumpta Nalubowa
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: