What Should I Do With My Life?

Here’s How to Find Your True Path

Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min read2 days ago


Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash

Have you ever stared at the ceiling late at night and asked yourself, “What should I do with my life?” That nagging, existential question haunts us all at some point. But what if finding the answer wasn’t as impossible as it seems?

Why We Feel Lost

Many of us grow up with a roadmap handed to us — get an education, find a job, settle down. But when you’ve followed all the steps and still feel lost, it’s easy to wonder if you’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere.

The truth is, this feeling of being lost often comes from living by other people’s expectations instead of our own.

Society is great at telling us what we should do with our lives, but it rarely asks us why. And that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why are you doing what you’re doing, and is it leading you toward a life that feels fulfilling?

The Paradox of Choice

We’ve never had so many options when it comes to careers, lifestyles, and even relationships. Yet, with all these choices comes a heavy burden — how do you know you’re choosing the right path?

This leads to “analysis paralysis,” where we’re so overwhelmed by options that we end up doing nothing at all, stuck in a cycle of indecision.

But here’s the thing: there’s no perfect answer. Life isn’t a single-path journey.

It’s more like a series of experiments, where every choice leads to new opportunities for growth and learning.

How to Start Finding Your True Path

So, how do you figure out what you’re meant to do? It’s about tuning out the noise and focusing inward. You need a framework to help you navigate through the maze of choices — and that’s where My Life Quest comes in. This self-discovery tool helps you gain clarity on your life’s vision, guiding you through a step-by-step process of self-reflection and strategic action​.

Here are three essential steps to start uncovering your true path:

1. Identify Your Core Values

Your core values are the foundation of everything you do. They’re the invisible compass that guides your decisions and shapes your life. When you’re living in alignment with these values, life feels meaningful. When you’re not, it feels chaotic.

Ask yourself:

  • What are the principles I can’t compromise on?
  • What do I need in my life to feel fulfilled?

Once you’ve identified these values, use them as a filter for every major decision. Whether it’s a career move, a relationship, or even where you live, your values should always guide the way.

2. Explore Different Possibilities Without Fear

We often feel trapped because we think we have to choose the “right” path. But what if there isn’t just one right path? In fact, many successful people experiment with multiple careers, passions, and life experiences before landing on what truly fulfills them.

Instead of focusing on finding the answer, think of your life as a series of explorations. Try new things. Take small steps. Experiment. My Life Quest encourages an experimental approach to life, helping you test new possibilities and analyze what resonates with you​.

3. Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination

One of the biggest traps we fall into is obsessing over the outcome. We think, “Once I find my true path, everything will fall into place.” But life isn’t about ticking off a single achievement or goal. It’s a continuous process of learning, adjusting, and growing.

When you embrace the journey, you allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes, change directions, and evolve without feeling like a failure. Life becomes less about a specific endpoint and more about staying curious and open to new opportunities.

What Happens When You Align With Your True Path?

When you start living in alignment with your values and passions, everything shifts. You begin to feel more energized, more confident in your decisions, and more at peace with where you’re headed. You no longer feel like you’re at the mercy of life’s twists and turns — instead, you’re in control of your journey.

My Life Quest is designed to help you navigate this path with intention. It provides you with a structured framework to reflect on your life strategy, adjust your goals as needed, and stay aligned with your true self over time​. You won’t just ask, “What should I do with my life?” You’ll have a clear direction.

Take the First Step

If you’re feeling lost, uncertain, or stuck in a rut, the first step is acknowledging that it’s time for a change. But don’t rush into it — take the time to reflect on what you truly want, not just what you think you should be doing.

Start by trying My Life Quest, a guided self-discovery tool that helps you create a personalized life strategy. With its step-by-step process, you’ll have the clarity, direction, and confidence you need to navigate your path. Stop asking what you should do with your life and start discovering what you want to do with it.

About The Author

Natalya Permyakova is an entrepreneur, life design coach, and founder of My Life Quest. She has spent years helping individuals and organizations design their futures. If you’re looking to find clarity and direction in your life, try My Life Quest for free today. If you’d like to work with Natalya directly, apply here.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of mylifequest.io. I write about designing and living life on your terms.