What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?

Christy Waltz
4 min readJan 12, 2019


Life can be humming along brilliantly when all of a sudden you reach a fork in the road, and a choice or decision is called for. Will you turn right or left? Will you say “yes” or “no?”

What if neither option feels like the right one, or you’re just unsure?

Like most people, you probably revisit your mind in hopes of hitting upon the “right” answer to the dilemma.

If that doesn’t bring a clear answer, you may ask for advice from friends and family. And what do they do? Promptly turn to their minds in hopes of delivering the answer you’re seeking.

Still don’t know what to do?

There is another choice, and one that’s much less likely to give you a big headache: leave your mind out of it for a while.

We spend most of our time in our minds, thinking, thinking, thinking. We’re so used to going to our minds for just about everything that of course we turn to our thoughts when we have a personal problem to be solved.

Here’s the thing: the mind is a limited tool. It can think, but it can’t feel. Feeling and intuition come from a different…



Christy Waltz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Watching life unfold in amused bewilderment. Exploring how to be truly free. Author of Notes to Self: Meditations on Being. areyoutrulyfree.com