What’s The Secret Essence Behind All Life?

An exploration into mystery.

Peter Middleton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Manyu Varma on Unsplash

Religions allude to it; spiritual teachers point their finger at the moon. What is the mystery behind life?

The ever-present essence that life springs from, the progressive energy that pushes all things forward, the space of possibility contains the seeds of life.

As you can see in the picture, many rituals play with the elemental. Dancing around the sparks of creation. Embers swirling in the air; a mask calling the spirit into the human form. Specific energy that drives us forward, push us into courage, transcend our pains.

The mystery of life is an exploration into surrender and embrace of the unknown.

“Let’s keep our minds open and explore these diverse experiences and perspectives. No matter whether we’ve already travelled in the unknown or this is our first time, let’s learn from the inhabitants of this place — the “poets and inventors of fables,”

~ Steven D’Souza & Diana Renner ~ Not Knowing — The art of turning uncertainty into opportunity ~



Peter Middleton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Slow, sustainable, interconnected growth; living from an authentic heart.