What’s the Secret to Personal Growth?

There are 10 simple yet powerful ways to grow yourself every day

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


What’s the secret to personal growth?
Photo by Simon Fanger on Unsplash

“You don’t need to change the world; you need to change yourself.” — Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author

Becoming more responsible and more considerate. Developing new skills and learning new things. Changing your mindset and adopting a more positive attitude.

These are some examples of personal growth. Also known as self-improvement or self-actualization, personal growth is about improving your habits, behavior, and actions.

“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.” — John C. Maxwell, an American author, speaker, and pastor

Personal growth is about:

  • Developing yourself so you can reach your highest potential.
  • Focusing on yourself so you can achieve greater or more challenging things.
  • Embracing a growth mindset so you can become more proactive, responsible, and mature.

Personal growth doesn’t happen overnight. It can take weeks, months, or years to develop fully. With determination to stay focused and driven, you can improve…



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

11x Top Writer on Medium | 1M+ Views on Medium | Knowledge Enthusiast | Corporate Man by Day, Entrepreneur by Night | matthewroyse.com