When the Inner Child Gets Hurt

I might be an adult but I don’t always react like one

Gabie Rudytė
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Love, by Alexander Milov, wire frames and LED lights, Made in 2015 for the Burning Man Festival, Nevada, USA, © Alexander Milov

Only in the last couple of years, I became aware of what the inner child is and the role that my inner child plays in my life. I started working with a therapist at the beginning of 2020, and when she started talking about the inner child, suddenly, all the dots started connecting.

However, it wasn’t until I started dating and eventually met my partner that my inner child showed up. With a bunch of anger tantrums, uncontrollable sobbing, and fears, she really made an entrance.

I am learning about my triggers, fears, and traumas to better understand where the pain is coming from and learn how I can heal it. I am learning how to soothe that little girl inside of me. More importantly, I also realize that no matter how old or ‘grown up’ we are, we all are just little children who want to be seen, heard, and loved.

“You might not be a child anymore, but it doesn’t mean you don’t react as if you’re one.”

It sounded like a weird concept at first, but my therapist had a point. When I really stopped and took note of what triggers me and the reactions I had to those triggers — I realized that they were way out of proportion.



Gabie Rudytė
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Certified Life Coach + Creator who’s fascinated by this human experience. BSc Psychology. Exploring the depths of my inner world. www.InnerResearcher.com