Where to Begin? Do This If You Feel Stuck or Overwhelmed About Chronic Pain or Chronic Symptoms

Photo by Malachi Cowie on Unsplash

This video was inspired by a common question I get. “Where should I begin?”

I answer that question in the video below.

So, If you feel stuck or overwhelmed regarding chronic pain or chronic symptoms and don’t know where to begin, this video is for you.

If you’ve had severe symptoms, multiple symptoms, changing symptoms, it can become frustrating and overwhelming. Maybe you feel stuck after jumping around from attempt to attempt.

If that’s you…do this.

NEW You can book a one-on-one consultation call: https://calendly.com/christinebradstreet/60min

This video is for information purposes only. It is not medical or chiropractic advice nor does it establish a patient-provider relationship. Enjoy and learn!



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at www.happyeverafter.info