Whew, Christmas Is Over

Focus forward

Thomas E. McDaniels
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Shopping, cooking, wrapping, and unwrapping — done.

Now let’s go forward to some more essential matters in life — our next focus in the New Year.

After Christmas, some of us shift to introspection and self-examination. After the holidays, we take a few days off and reach for some solitude. Solitude gives us time to focus on our wrapping.

Does life have you wrapped up in the wrong things?

Our human wrapping paper includes:

  • keeping up with the Jones’
  • the temptation of a particular sin
  • allowing fear to dominate
  • Facebook likes and shares
  • comparing our lives to others
  • anger over an unresolved issue

When we unwrap our contents, what’s inside? Are we empty or full? Do we feel significant or insignificant?

Some people find significance by achieving success, buying sizeable houses, beautiful cars, or joining the country club. Others feel significant by dressing uniquely, counting their Facebook “likes,” or tattooing their body…

