Which Super Power Would You Choose?

Your answer might reveal something about your deepest subconscious desires

Eric Teplitz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image: Adobe Stock

Part of everyday human experience involves inevitably brushing up against our limitations (real or perceived).

But “super powers” — by definition — allow for the glorious possibility of easily transcending those things about which we tend to feel the most powerless.

It makes sense that superheroes have such wide appeal among youngsters, whose limitations are (at least in some ways) more overt.

But superhero stories clearly resonate with adults, too.

So: if you could choose any one — but only one — super power, what would it be?

Give it a moment’s thought, go with your gut instinct or the first answer that comes to mind, and then read on.

Here are some common answers and the particular fears or anxieties they may be speaking to:

1) To be invisible at will.

This would allow you to sneak into, say, a very high-priced concert, or some exclusive event, for free, anytime you want. Moreover, it would allow you to hear what is said or watch what is done by anyone “behind closed doors”. (Be careful what you wish for!)



Eric Teplitz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Life coach devoted to living with passion and authenticity, and helping others do the same: http://ericteplitz.com/