Who Were Your Children Before They Were Yours?

Reincarnation and Family Dynamics

Leah Welborn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Original image by the author (CANVA)

Karma’s like water — it’s not a punishment. When you drown, the water’s not punishing you. Similarly, when water is flowing downhill, it’s not being punished — it’s just going with the flow. Life is energy, and energy ebbs and flows. Like water.

Consider if you will, a family. This is a fictitious family — we’ll call them the Robinsons.

Their oldest kid is named Josh. Josh Robinson is a very nervous kid. He cries a lot and startles easily. His fragility worries his parents

Their second kid, Sarah, is a “dream of a child,” according to her teachers. She’s been mellow since birth, she was a happy baby, and she loves learning. She loves her friends and her family, and everybody loves Sarah Robinson.

The Robinsons have one more baby — Jackie, who is always angry. She’s very upset and has been since birth. She gets so mad that it’s kind of dangerous — she bites. She’s little, but it hurts, and she shows no sign of stopping. She’s just a little ball of screaming rage, and it’s a bit terrifying.

Josh, Sarah, and Jackie. Three very different children. Their parents are baffled by how different their children are from one another, and they cannot imagine why. They did everything the same with…



Leah Welborn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie. LeahWelborn.net.