Why a Not-to-Do List Is More Important Than to-Do List

Hint: You will save a ton of time

Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Max Saeling on Unsplash

One day Warren Buffett walked to the pilot of his private jet and jokingly said to him, “ The fact that you are still working for me means I’ve not done my job right. You should have been out by now chasing your goals and dreams.”

Buffett then gave him one of the most powerful time management advice. He walked his pilot through a three-step strategy to give more clarity about his life goals. Here’s what the three-step strategy was:

  • Write down your 25 goals
  • Draw a circle around your 5 most important goals
  • Focus on the top 5 and say no to the rest of all

Warren asked his pilot again, “ What are you going to do with the rest 20 goals?”. “Warren, these 5 are the most important thing in my life”, the pilot hesitantly responded, “ The other 25 are not my primary focus but I still plan to give them a dedicated effort.”

“You’ve got it wrong. Everything you didn’t circle just became your ‘avoid at all cost’ list.”

This is what Buffett said in his own words and that’s the key to Buffett's success. Focus on the things that really matter and avoid things that don’t…



Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Avid Reader| Writer| Observer| On a journey to be a Better Self| If you follow, you will never feel hollow. Writings on PKM • Tools • Personal Growth • Money