Why Does Life Seem So Difficult?

The greatest type of barrier is mental.

Akeena M.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Life is hard. There’s really no going around it. No amount of self-help books or podcasts will provide a quick fix. Superficial positivity won’t suffice either.

I’m convinced life will always feel like a rollercoaster. There is an equal and opposite reaction to everything in this world. And so, we have anguish to content, affliction to prosperity, and disappointment to satisfaction.

Similar to how the night balances the day, our experiences balance one another. We wouldn’t know joy if not for sadness. While each emotion, experience, and season of life serves a purpose there’s no disputing the difficulty of it all.

As we navigate, the path may seem unrelenting but it is through our times of suffering that we discover our true character. It’s within times of hardship and discomfort that we derive our own definition of happiness.

Don’t just tell yourself things will get better. You have to make them better.

If you agree with the article on self-improvement that you just read or after listening to a motivational speaker, make sure you take action.



Akeena M.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Young woman following her heart, aspiring to remain useful, creating a space for connectivity and true alignment.