Why Don’t People Work on Their Mental Health Like Their Physical Health

Tre King
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readDec 17, 2020


Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

My therapist asked me, “why don’t people work out their minds. I mean, the working out your body is like a billion-dollar industry, but our mental health seems to be behind still.” I just stated stigmas and not being able to see the progress of your mental health. But the more I think about it’s deeper than that. Mental wellness is similar to physical wellness in the sense of the various ways to become healthier; that’s about it. Other than that, mental wellness is a journey of ups and down, unlike the gradual climb of physical health. To understand why “people don’t work out their minds,” we have to understand our mental landscape and how to interact with it as a whole.

The Stigmas

The good and bad stigmas of mental health affect the perspective of people putting work or lack of work into it. First, most of the bad stigmas are silly when you realize most of the “bad parts” of mental health are part of the human experience. For example, anxiety and depression happen in all of our lives at some point. Obviously, it can overwhelm people, which results in a longer stay than some others, but it still doesn’t put someone in the spectrum of mental illness people think they're on. We should contextualize aspects of mental health before judging good or bad. See what circumstances led to the mental…

