Why Don’t You Just Get a Real JOB?

Many of our teachers raised in a different time can’t see new possibilities and are holding on to and teaching outdated limiting beliefs.

Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image by Jonas Ogrefoln from Pixabay

“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want a chance to change the world? — Steve Jobs

If you prefer an audio podcast version of this story, listen to one here.

Happy to Have a Job

Finding a job and working for spending money came fairly early to this Midwestern raised boy. There was always something I wanted and my parents just kept repeating “get a job.”

So, I did.

Not knowing anything better, the first 15 years or so went along fine. I held many limiting beliefs yet, had not learned the term yet. It was enough that someone could tolerate having me around, let alone paying me for it. I was grateful most of the time earning just enough to pay the rent, but not much else.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

You have not had thirty years of experience.You have had one year’s experience 30 times. — J. L. Carr



Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Owner | Creator | Photographer | Writer | Risk Taker | Arranging text & images for fun. CREATIVITY saved my life! https://www.realwindowmedia.com