Why I Shut Down My Blog

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readOct 24, 2019


Releasing things when the season is done opens doors for growth

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

When I started blogging in 2016, I chose a name that meant something to me. Earl Grey and Yellow. This had a hidden meaning that was special but wasn’t super-searchable, wasn’t specific enough, and would be lost on anyone who wasn’t me or someone close to me. You’d have no idea what the website was about unless you clicked on it and poked around.

That was okay though. It was good for a season and served its purpose.

The point of the blog was for me to work through a serious injury after running my first (and only) half marathon in late 2015. I reflected and wrote about loss, healing, and faith. My aim was to encourage others and talk about the role trusting God played in my journey.

What I couldn’t have expected is that writing on the blog would connect me with people who asked me to speak at events and sit in as a guest on a radio show. I got unexpected freelance work because of it also. I was even recognized at a social gathering by a stranger who approached me timidly. Her question astonished me:

“Are you Earl Grey and Yellow?”

