Why I Sold 80% of My Possessions and Feel Like a Million Bucks

Living a simple life is critical to happiness.

Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A bunch of stuff for sale in auction, yard sale and Goodwill
Possessions | Image courtesy of Luca Laurence, Unsplash

The Motivation

In early January 2024, 80% of my possessions went to auction or donated to Goodwill. Why?

First, people change over time. Now, on the cusp of 48 years old, I'm a significantly different person today than I was in my twenties or thirties — thank God.

Back then, my main objective was projecting an image of being more significant than I was: leading and attending charity galas, fundraising for the Toronto film community, being seen at the best restaurants or nightlife, and always chasing the new and next. I wasn't comfortable in my skin and, for a while, teetered on the edge of developing alcoholism.

The possessions I acquired in my twenties and thirties represented who I was then, with a heightened focus on the exterior — designer clothes, shoes, handbags, and beauty products. Or the acquisition of trinkets over time: antique maps, artwork, stamps, and coin collections. Stuff collected dust and occupied space — physically, mentally, and spiritually.

If my possessions were to epitomize who I was, three words come to mind:

Self-indulgent, self-serving, self-promotion.



Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: lbradburn@gestaltmail.ca