Why Is Life So Confusing

Here’s how to finally discover the direction that’s right for you.

Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min read10 hours ago


Photo by Intricate Explorer on Unsplash

We’ve all had that moment where we feel completely lost. Everyone around us seems to know exactly where they’re headed, and yet here we are — stuck, confused, and unsure of our next step. Sound familiar?

Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the pressure to figure it all out. Maybe the endless options make it impossible to commit to just one. Or maybe you’re worried that no matter what you choose, it won’t be the “right” path.

Here’s the truth: you don’t have to figure out your whole life in one go. In fact, trying to do that might be exactly what’s keeping you stuck.

Stop Waiting for the “Perfect” Path

One of the biggest reasons we get stuck is that we wait for everything to feel just right before we move forward. We think we need to have the perfect plan, the perfect skills, or the perfect circumstances. But life isn’t that neat.

Spoiler alert: it never will be.

Perfectionism has a sneaky way of keeping us frozen. We worry that if we choose wrong, we’ll waste time or end up regretting our decisions. But here’s the thing: inaction is the real time-waster. You can’t steer a parked car.

Instead of waiting for the perfect path to reveal itself, start walking. Take the next small step, even if you’re unsure. Clarity often comes from action, not from overthinking. As you try new things, you’ll discover what feels right — and what doesn’t. Both are valuable.

Embrace the Power of Exploration

Life isn’t a straight line, and it doesn’t need to be. You don’t have to commit to one thing forever. We often feel trapped because we think that once we make a decision, there’s no going back. But the reality is, life is full of twists, turns, and pivots.

Allow yourself to experiment.

Think of your life as a series of experiments where each step helps you gather information about what works for you. Some things you’ll love; others, not so much. The beauty of this approach is that you get to tweak and adjust as you go along.

Consider your career, relationships, hobbies — these aren’t final destinations. They’re chapters in a larger story that will evolve over time. As long as you’re moving forward and learning, you’re not wasting time.

Let Go of the Timeline

Ah, the dreaded timeline. By 25, you should be here. By 30, you should have this. By 40, you should know exactly who you are and what you want. We all feel it — the pressure to fit our lives into a societal checklist. But that’s someone else’s timeline, not yours.

There’s no right age to figure things out. Some people discover their passion early in life, while others stumble upon it much later. You’re not late, and you’re not behind. Your journey unfolds in its own time, and comparing it to others’ will only distract you from what truly matters.

Letting go of these expectations frees you to focus on what feels right for you, not what you think you should be doing.

Listen to Yourself, Not the Noise

The world is noisy. Social media, well-meaning family, society in general — they all seem to have an opinion about what you should do. But here’s the thing: no one else knows what’s best for you.

Learning to trust your inner voice can be tough, especially when it’s drowned out by external pressures. But it’s crucial. Start by tuning in to what you want — not what looks impressive or what others expect. What excites you? What energizes you? What feels aligned with who you are?

It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right now. The important part is starting to ask the right questions and giving yourself the space to explore them.

Finding Guidance Along the Way

You don’t have to go it alone. Tools like My Life Quest can offer a clear, structured approach to figuring out what you really want in life. It helps you break down the process into manageable steps, guiding you through the chaos of indecision and giving you the confidence to take action​.

Through My Life Quest, you’ll learn how to create a personal roadmap, align with your deeper values, and experiment with different paths until you find the one that resonates most with you. The answers may not be immediate, but with time, you’ll start seeing your path take shape.

Start Small, but Start Today

Here’s the bottom line: you’re not as lost as you think. You might just need a nudge in the right direction. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and start with the next step in front of you. It doesn’t need to be grand or life-changing — just a step that gets you moving.

Trust that clarity will come, not through overthinking but through exploration. And remember, your path is unique. There’s no rush, no deadline, and no one-size-fits-all answer. The only timeline that matters is yours.

So, what’s your next step?

About The Author

Natalya Permyakova is an entrepreneur, life design coach, and founder of My Life Quest. She designed new products and services for Fortune 500 companies. Now, she helps people design and live life on their terms. Looking for direction in life? Check out My Life Quest, a guided self-discovery tool. If you want to work with Natalya directly, you can apply here.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of mylifequest.io. I write about designing and living life on your terms.