Why It’s Healthy to Focus on Multiple Things at Once

It’s better to be a multi-tool than a pocketknife

Devin Arrigo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

After a busy Monday morning catching up on all the missed emails from the weekend, I decided to take a quick break. Instinctively, I picked up my phone and started browsing Instagram.

Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.

Several minutes passed by as I mindlessly scrolled. Post after post, not surprisingly, nothing caught my attention. To be honest, I was scrolling to numb the pain of my boring 9–5 job.

But then, something stopped me in my tracks.

I was completely moved.

James Clear, the popular blogger, and author of the New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, shared the below post.

Credit: James Clear via Instagram

The strange thing was — James shared the post without any caption. He left it entirely up to interpretation. For each person to decipher the post in their own unique way.

I thought it was such an interesting idea and it made a huge impression on me.

But what really impacted me was that the incredibly creative mind behind a New York Times



Devin Arrigo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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