Why Journaling Is Essential to Life

Reason #5 is the most important one.

Christine Denker
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

A lot of people I know don’t journal. They don’t understand it. They say it takes too much time. They say they don’t know what they would write about.

If you’re in the same camp, let me convince you as to what you’ve been missing and why you need to start journaling today. Like right (or write) now.

#1: Journaling gives you a chance to brain dump.

“All the noise in my brain. I clamp it to the page so it will be still.” — Barbara Kingsolver

There are so many benefits to journaling. I recently read the book The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest, and I loved how she talked about junk journaling.

Whether it’s at the beginning of the day or the end of it, we have so many thoughts we just need to get out of our heads.

If you’re a person who struggles to sleep at night because your brain won’t shut off, journaling is for you. You just keep writing until all the thoughts get out. There is nothing structural about it. Write down all the thoughts as they jump from one thing to the next until you find that you’re done. You’ll know you’re done, because you’ll suddenly find yourself out of things to write.

#2: Journaling gives…



Christine Denker
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Podcaster, Writer, Adventure Seeker, and Educator. Always pursuing my true North.