Why Self-Worth Is More Valuable Than Net-Worth

Stop looking outside of yourself for your value

George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image: Reddogs/Adobe Stock

If you have a high net-worth that implies you are financially stable, strong even, and you might even have multiple cars, properties, and a stash of cash. That sounds great. But self-worth is how you think about yourself, whether you respect and love yourself.

If you are thinking logically, then your self-worth would grow with every respectful action you take. As a child, your self-worth would increase with every good grade. As an adult, persevering through rough patches and coming out stronger at the other end would fill you with self-worth. Helping someone in need, making a difference to someone’s day or even their life, completing a project despite feeling overwhelmed and in a time crunch.

Those are all examples of situations or events that help increase your self-worth. Those events happen all the time, you do them without even thinking about them. You are living your life, you encounter a hurdle, you experience an unpleasant time, you find a way to overcome the obstacle, and you come out on top. You should feel good about yourself.

Did you notice the common thread in all of the examples above? Not a single one of those events involved increasing your net-worth or making money at all. Yet, you still felt…



George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com