Why the Future of Marriage Depends on Spirituality

You need to share the same transcendent understanding.

Emmarie Hodge
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


It’s difficult to be in a relationship these days. True commitment seems as fleeting as the newest social media trend. That makes it hard to trust the people you want to love.

But the truth is that marriage can’t last without spirituality. The reason? Couples need a shared spiritual framework of the world to function as life partners.

This is a controversial position, but it seems to hold true if you look at the marriages that last.

The Religious Get Married, the Non-Religious Don’t

Religious couples are more likely to be in committed relationships, especially marriage, than non-religious couples. Those who more actively practice have an even lower rate of divorce. And while atheists have a low divorce rate too, they also have a much lower marriage rate in the first place.

As for why this happens, it’s because of cohabitation. Couples are moving in together, but not getting married, so it’s not like those who aren’t married aren’t in relationships. It’s marriage that’s the exception rather than the rule.

Couples that are married have more trust in each other than those who haven’t…



Emmarie Hodge
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium 🔮 Check out me out elsewhere on the web: https://emmariehodge.com/social-media/