Why Trusting Yourself Is the Ultimate Superpower

How different would your life be if you trusted yourself more?

Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

Do you ever feel the world is spinning too fast, leaving you dizzy and unsure of your next step?

I know many people struggle with finding their paths in life, feeling overwhelmed and standing at a crossroads.

Our biggest failures stem from not believing in ourselves.

Did you know that trusting yourself is your greatest superpower?

Here is why:

Embrace the Power Within

Life is full of challenges and uncertainties.

It is easy to get lost in the noise of other people’s opinions and expectations. But not many people realize we all have a unique inner compass, a guiding voice that knows what is best for us.

Did you know that your gut feeling is scientifically linked to your brain?

Our gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells (more than in our spinal cord). These nerve cells constantly chat with our brain, sending and receiving signals.

So, when you get that fluttery feeling in your stomach before a big decision, it is your gut and brain having a heart-to-heart.



Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.