Why We Desperately Needed the Coronavirus to Happen

In an overworked society.

Max Shiau
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJul 28, 2020


Class from 1–2. Head to Starbucks to wrap up schoolwork from 2–4. Club meetings from 4–6. Workout from 6–7. This is a glimpse of a normal day in my life as a college student before the pandemic started. From one thing to the next to the next. Before I knew it, my day was over, I laid in bed exhausted, and I prepared for the same schedule all over again for the next day.

My mind was wired to always be working: if what I was doing wasn’t “productive”, then I was wasting my time. There was always the next award to win, next internship to land, and next class assignment to complete.

But at what point is there an end, a stopping point where we are satisfied with what we have? In a world like today’s, it seems like people’s hunger for more, whether it be status, money, or power, can never be satisfied.

At the end of the day, is this endless chase for success making us happier?

These are the very questions that quarantine has led to me to think about, and I think these are the same questions that you should consider.

Much-Needed Reality Check

“Even the oldest and most familiar places retain an ineradicable capacity to surprise you“.

This quote from 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson perfectly sums up 2020’s revolutionary turn of events. Life as we knew was stripped away from us, whether we liked it or not.

As a result, quarantine has been a huge reality check, both on a micro and macro level.

First of all, it has forced us to acknowledge the dynamic world that we live in and think about how we fit into this complex ecosystem. What is it that you want to accomplish in life? How can you leave your mark, something that people in 100 years will remember you for?

Additionally, it’s taught all of us to be more selfless, something that our innately selfish humankind desperately needed. For as far back as human existence stretches, we looked up to those who lived the most lavish lifestyles, fostering a society where everyone is competing to reach the top. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s not about becoming the next billionaire, but much more about impacting others. When that becomes the focus, when I’m putting value out into the world, then money will come naturally.

On a larger scale, the coronavirus has taught us that nothing lasts. Our country’s position as the world’s supernation has come to an end. Countless small businesses took a hard hit, wiping out their hard-earned profits and the American dream with it. America’s healthcare system has proven to be severely flawed, as seen by the exponentially growing number of cases and failed lockdown measures. No matter how familiar the situation is, everything can change in a split second.

The same goes for our individual lives. Someone who you cherish can seem to always be there for you, but they can disappear out of your life at any time. Therefore, make sure to express your appreciation for those you love. An obstacle that hits you hard can be devastating and seem impossible to recover from. However, you will get over it.

Time → Opportunity

It’s very rare that we get a break. Our lives are filled with responsibilities, leading us to always be on a race against time. Ever have that feeling where the 24 hours in a day just flies by? Sure, you checked off the tasks on your to-do list, but at the end of the day you’re burned out and still not satisfied with what you accomplished. However, quarantine has provided us this very luxury: we now have all the time in the world to improve our well being and learn something new.

Maybe you don’t spend enough time building your creative side. Pick up an instrument or start blogging. Maybe you want to improve your physical health. Create a home workout routine or start going on walks to catch some fresh air.

Whatever it is, quarantine is the perfect opportunity to reflect on what you’ve been missing and work to improve it.

This time stuck at home is also an opportunity to reinvigorate hidden passions. I revisited childhood talents, such as piano and golf, that at the time seemed pointless but now has provided me an outlet for creativity and freedom. On top of that, I always have something to work towards, whether it be playing a new song or achieving a new lowest score on a 9-hole round.

No matter how uneventful your days are, these newly picked up hobbies provide something to look forward to.

Despite all the chaos that is happening in the world right now, I can assure you that we will recover stronger than ever. A vaccine will be found, and life will return back to normal.

Meanwhile, focus on what’s in your control. If there was something that you have always been wanting to address or accomplish, now’s your time to do so.

We are living in an era that only happens once in our lifetime. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a fleeting but incredibly valuable moment where we can take a break from life’s responsibilities and focus on ourselves.

Take all the negativity happening in the world right now, and turn it into something positive.

