Why You Feel Depressed After Meditation

How to use this powerful tool for happiness

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Why do I feel depressed after meditation?
Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

You have tried meditation a few times because you read everywhere how magical it is. It will fulfill all your dreams like feeling Zen, becoming smarter, more productive, and achieving your goals.

Meditation sounds like the magical pill to the life you want to live. But then you sit down and try it out and there is nothing.

No magic. No rainbows. No sudden realizations.

You sit down like a 3-year-old waiting for a big surprise to find yourself kidnapped by dark thoughts.

They push you around — you try to focus but then they win and you lose yourself in the dark thunderclouds.

You decide meditation is not for you — it just doesn't work.

Deep inside you are still wondering why it works for others but not you. If you want to give meditation another chance then this article is for you.

Meditation Is No Spa Treatment

We are so stressed and desperate for relief we mistake meditation for a spa treatment to help us recover from the crazy world we are living in.

Something which finally makes us feel good again.



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